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Reviews and problem reports
Updated over 8 months ago

After each and every purchase a customer makes in ResQ, we ask for feedback. Once you or the customer have marked the order as picked up (or at latest on the next day), the feedback request will pop up.

Customer can choose from three options: good, okay, or bad.

When one clicks one of these options, a new window will open. In it, we ask for more details about the experience. Options in this window vary based on the first choice, but for example, in Good view, we ask "What was particularly good?" The options are Size, Price, Service, Description, and Taste.

Customers can also write additional comments to the field above. These are especially helpful for you receiving the review: with customer feedback, it's way much easier to improve your service and products!

Where can I see them?

All the reviews and the additional comments can be seen in real-time in the Partner app. Only you can see all the comments mentioned in the reviews about your own venue. All the reviews are anonymous, so any details about the customer are not shown. This means that you can't contact the customer. If you, however, feel that you need to pass a message to the customer, you can always write to our customer support and we'll help you to do that! The easiest way to contact us is by using the chat in the app (Menu -Help & feedback) or by e-mail:

In your Reviews page (, you can see all the reviews from the last two months. In the listing, there's the date of the purchase, product(s), rating, and possible additional feedback from the customer. Please note, that this review listing is not visible to other venues or customers.

ResQ Club staff also reads part of the reviews as quality control.  However, as we receive thousands of reviews every day, we do not read all of them. All the Problem reports, which you can also see in your Reviews page, we do read.

Problem reports

Rarely something goes wrong with ResQ offers, but sometimes a situation might arise where a customer receives a wrong item or her purchase is not available at all, or the venue is closed when she arrives to pick up her food at time.

For these rare cases, there is the possibility to send a problem report in the app. It can be found in the customer's receipt (Menu → My orders → choose receipt → "Problems with this order?")

These problem reports go in real-time to your partner app, but also to ResQ customer support. We read all of them through, and if needed ask for additional information about the situation. We can also make a refund, give free ResQ-credits, be kind, or do whatever it takes to fix the problem.

Why can I not see the reviews? Have they disappeared?

In case you are wondering why you received reviews from customer but still can't see the reviews in the customer app; there is a five-review limitation. Reviews for orders (good, okay, or bad) are not visible to the customers until at least five orders have been reviewed per partner.

In addition, there is a two-month rule for reviews. Reviews are only calculated for the past two months, and they disappear after that time. This means the reviews are always up to date, and even if your venue received some worse reviews previously, they will not be taken into account after two months.

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