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Why should we use ResQ Club?

Selling surplus goods on ResQ Club has several positive impacts! You can find more information about the benefits in this article.

Updated over 3 weeks ago

With ResQ Club, you can sell your surplus goods to local customers quickly via the app. By doing so, you will...

  • make more sales

  • find new customers

  • reduce waste, and thus save the planet

  • get great PR value from taking environmental issues seriously

  • receive marketing support and material from us to tell your customers that you take responsibility

  • improve work ethics by not throwing goods to waste

That's great, but we already sell my surplus to our own customers!

Especially many cafés sell their yesterday's products with a discount on the same counter with fresh items. You might be able to sell the surplus this way, but it doesn't make much sense: the customers who walk onto your counter are ready to pay the full price for your products, but only grab the discounted item when seeing it.

ResQ moves those items under the counter, both figuratively and physically: we bring you customers who probably wouldn't stop by otherwise, but now find your offers via the app. But when they come to pick up the order purchased on the app, it's always a good habit to ask if they'd like to purchase something else - a coffee, for example - while they are there!

We don't have time for this

We totally understand: the food and retail businesses are the ones with some tight schedules. That's why we made ResQ as easy and fast as possible.

If you want, you can try it: register and post your first offer in 3 minutes.

And if you don't have the time, call us (+358 9 747 91418), and we'll do the registration for you and get you started with ResQ!

We don't have surplus

Restaurants produce - on average - surplus anywhere from 5 % to 30 % of their total production. Some restaurants are really good at avoiding it: check out, for example, restaurant Nolla, which has a huge composter running on the corner of their dining hall.

But let's be honest: not all of us are taking things that far (yet). For us, ResQ is an excellent way to reduce waste – whether it's about food portions, groceries, household goods, cosmetics, plants or flowers!

We are only open in summer/winter

Even venues that are only open seasonally are perfect for ResQ, as we have no monthly or usage fees, or any other fixed charges!

We make our money from sales commissions. So there's no risk for you, and you can use ResQ whenever it makes sense to you. Even just one time; when you try it out (should you do that right now?).

We don't take it personally if it's not a good fit for you. We will potentially cry a bit. But that's OK. 💚

We don't get enough money from this

It's good to hear that because if you had so much surplus that it would amount to a significant income for your business, it would be better to focus on planning and prevention rather than on ResQ.

The value of using ResQ stems from the factors mentioned at the beginning of this article. ResQ won't make you rich overnight, but it will help turn those surplus goods, usually going to waste, into a nice little boost in sales for your business.

Ultimately, even smaller amounts can contribute to a decent overall sum – especially considering that surplus products, when discarded, yield no profit but may incur additional costs, such as waste disposal fees.

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