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Frequently Asked Questions – For ResQ partners
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I haven't filled out my banking details and my account is frozen!
I haven't filled out my banking details and my account is frozen!
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Written by ResQ Club
Updated over a week ago

This article applies to partners registered on or after 31 October 2023.

We will send you multiple reminders about providing your company and bank details in order for you to receive payouts for your monthly ResQ sales. If you still have not provided us with your bank account details in the advised time frame, we will be forced to freeze your ResQ account. You cannot continue selling or receive payouts from ResQ until these steps have been completed and your banking details have been authenticated.

Please provide your bank account details as soon as possible in your ResQ account settings at

This only takes a couple of minutes. You are asked to carry out strong authentication via your bank in order to confirm that you’re the lawful owner of the bank account. This is because ResQ Club aims to comply with prevailing Anti-Money Laundering (AML) laws, regulation and requirements set by payment institutions. You can read more about Know-Your-Business (KYB) and (AML) here and how to add and update company and account details here.

After you have completed the strong authentication and filled in your bank account and company details, we will unfreeze your account and you will receive an email confirmation about this. The payouts due will then be paid out to your bank account on the 5th of each month if you are an Eurozone partner, and on the 23rd of each month if you are a non-Eurozone partner.

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