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Food safety in ResQ

This is what ResQ does to ensure upstanding food quality.

Updated over 9 months ago

The idea behind ResQ is that our ResQ venues (i.e. sellers of ResQ food) can reduce their food waste by selling their surplus food at a discount.

With these steps we take to ensure that the food you order in our app is safe to consume:

  • Our service uses food safety instructions that are up to date from The Finnish Food Authority (Ruokavirasto). With these instructions, ResQ instructs our sellers on food safety. See our instructions to our ResQ venues in this article.

  • We have carefully formulated guidelines for our ResQ venues. With the guidelines, we clarify to venues on how to use the service. See them in this article.

  • The guidelines mentioned above additionally include best practices on how to sell products with 'used by' and 'best before' dates:

    • 'Best before' dated products are completely advisable to sell some time after the date! ✅

    • This is not allowed with the 'used by' dates. ❌

  • ResQ strives to regularly monitor offers from ResQ venues to ensure that the service is used according to our guidelines and local regulations. If a seller is misusing our service, we instruct them and, if necessary, remove them from our service.

  • Feedback is asked for every picked-up ResQ order in the app. All orders' feedback is sent anonymously to the ResQ venues, giving them the opportunity to improve their service. The feedback is also seen in the app as the venue's rating, which is visible to everyone using the ResQ Club app. This system of reviews incentivizes our sellers even further to keep track of their feedback and avoid problems with ResQ orders. You can read more about ResQ reviews in this article.

  • ResQ Club staff also monitors some of the reviews as quality control. You can read more about giving a bad review or filing a problem report by clicking on these links.

  • We have received excellent ratings in The Oiva report. This document is found at the bottom of our webpage (only in Finnish for now, apologies). The Oiva report is a publicly displayed rating on companies' hygiene levels and product safety used in Finland. You can read more about the report on this webpage.

ResQ Club has been providing safe and delicious food to our users since 2015! We aim to continue making a positive impact in our zero-food-waste communities by actively using the measures mentioned in this article. 💚

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