ResQ Club sends tens of thousands of receipts every month. Therefore, it's more than understandable that they are not always delivered to your main email inbox, as they are often the type of email you do not need to read - mostly they are sent just for the record.
(Notice that for order pick-up purposes, you can also show the order information in the app's My orders section of the menu.)
If you need to access your receipts from ResQ Club, they can probably be found in your so-called "other" folder or "spam" folder. Finding those can be particularly difficult with Microsoft's email clients, like Outlook and Hotmail. As there are multiple versions of Microsoft's email software out there, we can't give you step-by-step guidance on how to find those folders — sorry for this!
If you have a regular need for the receipts, we recommend that you consider adding another email to your ResQ account. You can edit your email in the app's Settings under My Information.
If you can't find a specific receipt that you need, please don't hesitate to contact our customer support.