The orders view in the partner web browser application has been re-designed! The new view has many useful features to make finding and picking up orders easier than ever. Read more of these features below.
Find the right orders easily
In the new orders view, the orders are grouped by customer. This means that all orders by the same person are visible one after another. This way it is easy to keep track when collecting the order also if one person has made multiple orders. You can see either the name of the customer or a part of their email address, if they have not filled in their name in the application. Remember to ask the customer to show the order confirmation or the receipt of their purchase.
You can also filter the orders by different categories. The default setting is ‘’Not picked up’’, where only the orders that are yet to be picked up are visible. You can also choose to view orders which have been picked up, cancelled or all of the orders at once.
Orders can also be searched by the customer name or offer name. This can be especially handy if you have a large amount of orders and you do not have time to browse through them all.
Notification settings have been moved to the header. They can be accessed from the bell icon in the upper right corner.
Mark orders as picked up
Marking orders as picked up can be done one item or order at a time or in bulk. Marking orders as picked up happens by ticking the box in front of the order and choosing the green ‘’Mark as picked up’’ button at the bottom of the page. You can choose all orders by the same customer by ticking the box next to their name.
Cancel full orders or individual items
It is possible to cancel both full orders and individual items from an order. You can cancel orders by choosing an order and selecting the red ‘’Cancel orders’’ button at the bottom. Note that clicking the button does not yet cancel the order but you need to confirm the cancellation. When you cancel an order, the order is automatically refunded and the customer is sent a notification email about the cancellation.
If you want to cancel an individual item in an order instead of the whole order, you can choose the individual items in the “Cancel and refund order” window. First select the order and click the ‘’Cancel x orders’’ button (same way you would cancel a full order). Then instead of confirming, click the ‘’Cancel individual items’’ toggle button and choose how many individual items you wish to cancel. To finish, click the ‘’Cancel orders’’ button.
If you want to give us feedback on the new orders view, you can find a feedback button at the bottom right corner of the page.