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ResQ Kotikulma – Frequently Asked Questions

Kotikulma brings you larger quantities of fruit and vegetable wholesaler products, delivered to pick-up locations! Read more in the article.

Updated over a month ago


You can now purchase surplus products in larger wholesale batches through ResQ Club – delivered to your neighborhood. We are testing this service in the Helsinki metropolitan area in collaboration with wholesalers Veikko Laine and Satotukku.

You can read further info about the service here and from this article.

How does Kotikulma work?

1. Download the ResQ Club app
You can find the surplus boxes in the ResQ Club app by searching with the word "Kotikulma". You will find the offers also under the direct links for Satotukku and Veikko Laine in the ResQ app.

2. Choose the products you want to buy
Offers are available two days a week, Tuesdays and Fridays, between 8.00 and 13.00. Products are paid for in the ResQ Club app. Remember to add '🚚 Toimitus noutopisteeseen' to your shopping cart to complete your order.

3. Pick up your products the same day
Pickup your products from the Foodnix store in Shopping Mall Redi between 16.00 and 19.30.

How can I find Kotikulma offers in the app?

Kotikulma offers from Satotukku and Veikko Laine can be found by browsing the map in Helsinki metropolitan area. You can easily filter the offers by using the keyword "Kotikulma."

You will find the offers also under the direct links for Satotukku and Veikko Laine in the ResQ app.

⭐ Mark ResQ Kotikulma venues as favorite in the app to get notified among the first about new surplus offers (How to mark places as favorites? »).

Where and when to pick up the products?

The products will be delivered to the Foodnix surplus store located in the Redi Shopping Center for pickup on the same day.

Orders can be picked up between 16.00 and 19.30.

Location instructions:

Is delivery fee always added to the order, or can the products be picked up somewhere without it?

A delivery fee (€3.80) is added to all Kotikulma orders. This fee helps us cover logistics and handling costs while ensuring a smooth, centralized, and environmentally friendly delivery process.

You can add multiple Kotikulma products to a single order and only pay one delivery fee per order.

💡 The proportion of the delivery fee naturally decreases when you make a larger single order or maybe a group order with friends!

Can I still add products to my order even if I have already placed an order?

At the moment, it’s not possible to add products to an order that has already been paid for.

However, if you want to purchase more Kotikulma products on the same day, place a new order, and we will automatically refund any additional delivery fees.

You only pay one delivery fee even if you place orders from both Kotikulma locations (Veikko Laine and Satotukku) on the same day.

The refund will appear in your account within 2–3 business days. 💚

Questions or feedback about ResQ Club Kotikulma?

Since Kotikulma is in its trial phase, we are happy to help with any questions you may have and hear your thoughts about the service!

You can leave us feedback using this form, or reach out to us directly via chat or email at

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