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Can I enjoy ResQ products on-site when I pick up my order?
Can I enjoy ResQ products on-site when I pick up my order?

It's up to the seller if they allow you to enjoy your ResQ products on-site or only for takeaway.

Updated over 8 months ago

Some sellers allow ResQ products to be enjoyed on-site, while others sell the products only for takeaway. This is up to the seller.

The best way to find out is to ask the seller directly, either before placing your order or when picking it up. 🙏

If you want to ask the seller about this in advance, you can find the "Call" button directly in the app by clicking the venue's name in the offers list and tapping 3 dots (highlighted in the image below). Next, you can see the Call button as highlighted in the image.

ResQ does not require venues to provide the option for customers to enjoy the products on-site at their premises.

Please also note that ResQ products are typically provided cold, so be prepared to heat the food yourself, if enjoying it on-site at the seller’s premises is not an option, and the seller will not heat the takeaway products for you.

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